Monday 25 February 2013

Magazine Front Cover Progress

This is the first draft of the front cover that I have created, meaning that the cover could change before the project is over. All that is left for me to do before the front cover is complete is to insert an image that I will have took myself, instead of the image that is seen above. The background colour will stay the same, but the colour of the writing may change depending on the colour of the clothes the model will be wearing.

Feature Articles

The feature article that I am looking to write, will be centered around an up and coming artist in the music industry, who represents the same genre of music that my magazine does, which is hip-hop, top 40 music. The article will be set up in a question and answer style. This is because I feel that this will make for a better read for the audience, while it will also tempt them into buying the magazine more so than if they were to turn to the feature article and see three pages of just writing, with no apparent breaks.

Monday 11 February 2013

Style Models

Project Progress to Date

By the end of this week I am hoping to have finished my front cover, which will mean that during the half term I will have time to create the first draft of my feature article, which is to be based on hip hop, top 40 music. The feature article will be between three and four pages, as this is the sort of level of work I will need to be producing in order to get into the top bracket of marks available.

With having the feature article finished by the end of the half term, it means that I have plenty of time for it to be marked and then to write a second draft, which allows me to have a good quality piece written by the project deadline.

Friday 8 February 2013

Style Model for Magazine

When deciding on what to do for my magazine front cover, I decided to find a style model that I feel would best suit the type of magazine that I am trying to create. For this I used a Billboard magazine, which is a popular music magazine, so I felt it was a good choice of magazine, especially as it is aimed at the same market as my magazine would be aimed at.

Progress on Magazine Project

This week I have finished a mock up of what my front cover will look like when I have finished my magazine project, using Photoshop. I used pictures off the Internet on my front cover for now, but these will be replaced when I have taken my proper pictures.
