The Plot
The film begins six years after NASA had discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. Earth has been invaded by alien life form, and half of Mexico has been quarantined and called the 'infected zone' where the creatures are being contained by the American and Mexican military. The story begins when an American journalist agrees to help his boss' daughter get back home, however this means them fighting there way through the infected zone in order to get to the safety of the US border.
The estimated budget for the science fiction film was $500,000, however at the box office it recouped $4,242,978 which is a massive profit for such a low budget film.
The film only cost $500,000 because there were only two cast members, Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able, as well as this there were only five members of crew who went out to do filming.
The film was shot in five different locations:
- Belize
- Costa Rica
- Mexico
- Guatemala
- Texas
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